Suzanne Jansen

Literary Translation
Suzanne's translation practice is focused on literary translation from Dutch into English.
A keen reader of new Dutch writing she has translated, amongst others: Abelkader Benali, Anne Moraal, Ronald Giphart, Thomas Verborgt, and Simone Atangana Bekono. Examples of her output can be found below under Recent Projects.
Professional Experience
More than 30 years experience as a freelance translator in: literature, broadcast & print media, current affairs & politics, spoken word, public service, performing & visual arts, music, education, social sciences, popular culture. Suzanne is also an experienced interpreter, linguistic consultant and voice-over artist.
Endorsed by the Dutch Foundation for Literature
Member of the Society of Authors and Chartered Institute of Linguists
College Certificate in Literary Translation (UCL)
Diploma in Translation (CIOL)
BA Drama & Classical Studies (University of London)
Born and educated in the Netherlands, Suzanne moved to London aged 18 to study drama. Her first translation job, whilst in college, featured comic strips for Marvel Comics. Following her degree, she began her translating career alongside working in the performing arts. Totally bilingual, she is fully engaged with Dutch and Anglophone cultures.
Non-paid Activities
In a voluntary capacity, she co-organises events that show-case the best in Dutch thinking, culture, and entertainment at the Dutch Centre in London. She has served numerous terms on the boards of the London Cycling Campaign and the Friends of Kennington Park over a period of 20 years.
Other activities and interests
To keep mind, body and soul together, Suzanne rides her bicycle, cultivates her allotment, visits the theatre, classical concerts and opera. She enjoys practising her other languages, German, Italian and French. She is also a keen photographer and took the background photo for this site showing grapes grown on her allotment.

Plant Power
Heal Yourself with Medicinal Mushrooms,
Roots, Flower, and Herbs
Wouter Bijdendijk
Joris Bijdendijk
Findhorn Press
August 2025
272 Pages
ISBN 9798888502693
Holistic Health, Ethnobotany, Nature

Who's Afraid of Simone de Beauvoir?
Ruud Welten
Tilburg University
Publication Date TBC
190 Pages
ISBN 9789024433605
Philosophy, Feminism, God, Love and Sex

The Number Bias
How Numbers Lead and Mislead Us
Sanne Blauw
Hodder & Stoughton
July 2020
208 Pages
ISBN 9781529342758
Economics, Finance,
Business & Management, Popular Pyschology
'The translation is fantastic. It’s a great read – lively, fluid and very thoughtfully done.’
Juliet Brooke
Editorial Director, Sceptre

How Food Shaped the Course
of the First World War
Rick Blom
History, WW1, Society & Culture, Food & Society
'Thanks to her meticulous work
Suzanne has produced a wonderful translation.'
Rick Blom
Unicorn Publishing Group
November 2019
284 Pages
ISBN 9781912690190

How Our Stone Age Brain Deceives Us Every Day,
And What We Can Do About It
Ronald Giphart and Mark van Vugt
Evolutionary Psychology
Health & Personal Development
Self-help & Personal Development
Little, Brown
February 2018
352 Pages
ISBN 9781472139702
'Suzanne’s translation of Mismatch is excellent. I’m glad that she’s not only translated the contents wonderfully,
but also the particular literary style of the book. It seems to have created a new genre: literary popular science!'
Mark van Vugt
'Suzanne’s translation of the bestselling Dutch title Mismatch for the English language markets produced a book that was much more than a flat, thoughtless conversion.
She remained sensitive to the authors’ style at all times but worked closely with them and the publisher…'
Andrew MacAleer
Editorial Director, Little, Brown Group

Tuna Wars
Powers Around the Fish We Love to Conserve
Steven Adolf
Co-translation with Anna Asbury
Bluefin Tuna, Fish, Ocean, Economy, Industry, Legal, Consumers, Sustainability
'I’m over the moon with the quality of the translation.'
Steven Adolf
Springer Nature
November 2019
400 Pages
ISBN 9783030206413